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Course Overview

Course Overview PDF Link 

Practicum Observation Checklist PDF       

Emailed Assignment Codes
Please use these codes in the subject line when submitting assignments by email.

Choice Assignments:
(For example ea.choice.bethany )

Monthly Reflections:
(For example ea.reflection.bethany )

Education Assistant Course Assessment
September 2016

Attendance and Participation
This course is designed to actively engage students in learning, processing and creating new knowledge. Students are expected to attend class, participate in class activities and discussions. In addition, students are expected to complete readings and Home Learning assignments.
1.       Monthly Reflections: Select one idea, concept, lesson or experience from each month (September – May) to represent significant learning/ growth that you experienced that month. These items can be worksheets, photos of activities, journal entry, record of a conversation, partner practice, home learning, guest speaker, video etc. This will be handed in for assessment purposes and then returned to you. Keep all your artifacts to reflect upon and hand in near the end of the course.               
2.       Mission Statement: In the fall we will create quick rough drafts of mission statement for ourselves pertaining to our careers.
In June, we will revise and fine tune our mission statements. The final draft will be included in your portfolio.

3.       Three Guiding Questions: Throughout the course we will discuss guiding questions that can help inform your decisions while working as an Education Assistant. Select three that are most significant to you and include them in your portfolio.

4.       Three Guiding Quotes: Throughout the course we will also be reflecting on many quotes and how they can apply to our work as Education Assistants. Select three that are most significant to you and include them in your portfolio.

5.       Three Bold Action Steps: Identify three bold action steps you will take to further your journey as an Education Assistant. We will discuss options in detail near the end of the course.

 In June, your entire portfolio will be submitted for a final assessment. 

Personal Choice Assignments:
·         Assignment #1: Due between September 22 and  October 29, 2016
·         Assignment #2: Due between November 1 and December 15, 2016
·         Assignment #3: Due between January 3 and February 28, 2017
·         Assignment #4: Due between March 2 and April 29, 2017
·         Assignment #5: Due between  May 13 and June 10, 2017
Alone or with a partner: Choose 5 assignments from the list of Options (or suggest your own idea)

·         Book Report
·         Stop Motion Animation
·         Art Journal
·         Cartoon Strip
·         Collage
·         Picture Book
·         Powtoon Presentation
·         Playdough Creation
·         Sensory Kit
·         Mixed Media
·         Power Point Presentation
·         Oral Presentation
·         Poster Board Presentation
·         Essay
·         In depth study of someone we learned about in class (Richard Lavoie, Carol Dweck, Ross Greene etc.)
·         Report on Specific Diagnosis
·         Website Review
·         PATH (have one done for yourself or facilitate one for someone else)
·         Sensory Circuit
·         Interview Teacher/EA/ Principal/OT/PT/SLP
·         Mindfulness Class Activity Set
·         Picture Book Critique/ Activity Collection (Must include 5- 10 books)
·         Music/Action Song Collection
·         Movement Break Collection
·         Speech Barrier Game Collection
·         Stress Reduction / Self-Care Plan
·         Attend Workshop (Pre-Approval Required)
·         Create EA Toolkit
·         ASD/FASD Report
·         Interpretive Dance
·         Scrapbook
·         Blog
·         Pinterest Board
·         Write a short story
·         Visual Art Presentation
·         Write a series of Case Studies
·         Performing Arts Presentation
·         Create Visuals for a real situation
·         Poem (or Poem Collection)
·         First Aid Course
·         Take a High School Class (i.e. Math 10)
·         Learn something new (Welding, Knitting/ Making Sushi/ French)
·         Sign Language (add 250 words to your current knowledge)
·         Prep for a particular curriculum (i.e. Math 10, English 9, Science 6)
·         Write and Perform or Record a Song
·         Rice Crispie Creation
·         Video Modeling Series
·         Short Film/You tube video
·         Create a Quiet Bag
·         Growth Mindset Learning Log
·         Puppet Show
·         Watch Parenthood
·         Volunteer with Children

Big Ideas
Human Growth and Development
Atypical Development (including specific diagnoses i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Self-Regulation and Sensory Diet
Fostering Independence
Strength Based and Needs Based Communication
Growth Mindset
The Power of Language
Student Motivation
Understanding and Supporting Individual Education Plans (IEP’s)
Universal Design for Learning
Interpersonal Communication/ Home School Communication
Language Processing Disorders
Personal Care and Physical Needs
Ethics of Touch
Restitution/ Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Training
Ministry Designations
Professional Role

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