Blog Archive


Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs a Champion
7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Overview
Can't vs. Won't - Micro Class
Kids Do Well if They Can - Ross Greene
Teaching a Growth Mindset: Unleashing the Learning Machine
RSA ANIMATE: How To Help Every Child Fulfill Their Potential
Audri's Rube Goldberg Monster Trap

Carly Fleischmann - 20/20 Interview
Ask an Autistic #9

Shelley Moore TedTalk (Under the Table)
Aimee Mullens: The Opportunity of Adversity
Aimee Mullens: It's Not Fair Having 12 Pairs of Legs
Jordan's Story - FASD
Shelley Moore - Outside Pins Bowling Story
Jessica Cox - Limb-Itless (Pilot without arms)


Case Studies
Megan - Don't Limit Me
Megan Goes to Washington
Rosie - How Autism Freed Me to Be Myself
Solome - Surviving Anxiety
Sam Berns - My Philosophy for a Happy Life
Remembering Sam Berns
Caroline Casey - Looking Past Limits 
Temple Grandin - Different Kinds of Minds TEDTalk

Yes I Can

Unconditional Positive Regard
Video A 
Video B
Michelle Charfen - UPR: The Power of Self Acceptance

PATH Process - Long Story Shortz

CPI Video
5 Myths About Sel-Reg (Mehrit Centre)

CPI Training Covers Everything We Do 
CPI Level 1 Training
Marshmellow Test
Dr.Daniel Siegal - Hand Model
Dr.Daniel Siegal - Flipping Your Lid

Fair is Fair by Sonny Valera (Picture book YouTube video)
CPI Cloze Activity Video

CPI Video - Cute Animals
Alyson Schafer Video - Praising Kid - "Proud"
Field Trip Webinar
It's Not About the Nail
CPI Video
Fish In a Tree

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Using Time In Instead of Time Out - Dr. Karyn Purvis
Dan Siegel - Connecting to Calm
Gordon Neufeld - Time Outs
Raffi's Child Honouring Covenant

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